Monochromatic Color Schemes

Decorating with color - How to use monochromatic color schemes

Monochromatic color schemes refer to color palettes that are based on variations of a single hue or color.
blue Monocromatic Color Schemes for interiors

A monochromatic color scheme consists of different shades, tints, and tones of a single color, without including any other hues or colors.

Monochromatic color schemes are often used in design and art to create a harmonious and cohesive visual effect. By using different values (lightness or darkness), saturations (intensity or purity), and tones (grayscale versions) of a single color, a monochromatic color scheme can create a sense of unity and simplicity in a design.

One of the benefits of using a monochromatic color scheme is that it can create a subtle and sophisticated look, as the colors used are closely related and visually cohesive. Monochromatic color schemes are also versatile and can be used in various design styles, from minimalistic and modern to traditional and classic.

However, it's important to note that monochromatic color schemes can also be perceived as monotonous or lacking in visual interest if not executed properly. It's important to consider contrast, balance, and other design principles to create an engaging and visually appealing monochromatic color scheme.

Examples of monochromatic color schemes can include different shades of blue, various tones of gray, or multiple tints of green, where all colors are derived from a single hue or color by adjusting its value, saturation, or tone.

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Color Palette


Look for neutrals. Understanding a few simple color principles can result in successful color combinations for any project. Useful for interior design projects, decorative painting techniques, fine art painting, graphic design or illustration techniques, understanding color combinations can be easy and fun.

Look for compliments. When any one primary color is mixed with another a secondary color effect is produced. 3 secondary colors are produced from the mixing of one primary color with another. These colors are orange-green-violet. These secondary colors are also known as Secondary colors.

neutral colors

Working with Neutrals

Neutral colors primarily consist of a selection grays, beiges, tans, creams and taupe. These colors generally work with most other colors making them excellent choices as background colors for walls and ceilings. In this manner, more vibrant color choices can be executed in the interior in the form of fabrics, draperies and curtains, rugs and carpets, objects, furniture and accessories like throw-pillows, lamp shades and pictures or paintings.

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